Regular visits to the dentist are necessary in maintaining your body’s overall health. That’s because the state of your mouth, teeth and gums can affect your general wellbeing. Bacteria from oral infections can enter into your bloodstream. These organisms can increase your risk for other conditions, including diabetes, heart disease and respiratory disorders.
Pit & fissure sealants (also known as dental sealants) are an effective way to protect your teeth from tooth decay. This is a progressive disease that occurs when a mild acid eats away at the outer layer of your teeth. That outer layer is known as enamel. And these harmful acids are formed when sugars in the foods we eat mix with the bacteria in our mouths.
If you have damaged, broken or missing teeth, crowns and bridges are an excellent alternative to removable devices like dentures. These fixed prosthetics are cemented onto existing teeth and can only be removed by a dentist.
At Pickfair Family Dental, we provide porcelain veneers. Veneers are an effective way to improve the overall look of your smile. This is a particularly good option for patients who have chipped teeth or thin enamel. If you’re interested in porcelain veneers, read on to discover how this innovative procedure can change your life.
For many of our patients missing or damaged teeth is a huge problem. There are the aesthetic issues that come with a gap in your smile. Not having a tooth can also open the door for infection or other oral health issues. That is why in many cases it is recommended to replace missing or damaged teeth with dental implants.
If you’re looking to straighten crooked teeth, it can be difficult to decide what is the best solution. Not too long ago, the only option available was the traditional metal brace. Many patients were hesitant, especially adult patient because, let’s face it, no one likes that metal mouth look.
Pickfair Family Dental offers a variety of appliances to protect your teeth and also improve sleep. We specialize in creating customized devices that include mouth guards, snore guards and sports guards. Although these appliances can be bought over-the-counter, it’s always best to have one designed and fitted just for you.
Our team at Pickfair Family Dental is key to early detection. Oral cancer screening is a routine exam that is quick, easy and painless. During this assessment, we’ll provide a thorough examination of the oral cavity. This region consists of the teeth and gums. But is also includes the lips, tongue, roof of the mouth and behind the wisdom teeth. Most oral cancers are located in these areas. Although the cells of the mouth are resistant to damage, repeated abuse from smoking, alcohol or even friction can cause painful sores where cancers can begin.
At Pickfair Family Dental, you can be confident all extractions are performed in a safe and comfortable environment. Our experienced team of dentists and dental hygienists work together to ensure your best interests. Despite our best efforts to save every tooth, sometimes an extraction is the only viable option.