Let’s face it: When it comes to braces, no one wants to look like a ‘metal mouth’. For years, traditional braces have consisted of wires and clasps. But luckily, they’ve come a long way since then. If the look of braces have been scaring you off from getting them, then clear aligners may be the solution for you.
Although there are many brands of invisible braces out there, the most popular one is Invisalign. These clear aligners are like customized mouth trays that have the ability to adjust your teeth. Because Invisalign is so discreet, it’s the perfect option for those who are worried about the appearance of braces.
Here are some basic facts about Invisalign:
If you’re interested in clear aligners, here are some answers to the most-asked questions about living day-to-day with Invisalign.
Will Invisalign get in the way of eating?
The beauty of Invisalign is that you can remove them during mealtimes. Because traditional braces are not removable, food particles can become stuck in the brackets. Simply take out the plastic mouth trays before you eat. Then brush your teeth before putting them back in.
How do I keep my aligners clean?
The best way to keep your aligners clean is to brush and floss after every meal. Otherwise, food and plaque will accumulate in your trays. Because aligners rest so close on your teeth, they can trap bacteria right next to the tooth and gum line. Letting these hazards fester all day can cause severe damage. To prevent this, make sure your teeth are clean before putting your aligners back in.
Will wearing Invisalign all day give me bad breath?
Bad breath is usually caused by an accumulation of bacteria between the teeth, on your tongue and the roof of your mouth. Invisalign will not cause bad breath if you have good hygiene habits. As mentioned earlier, people who wear Invisalign should be brushing after every meal. So you should actually have much fresher breath than if you were just brushing twice a day. If there’s a foul odour coming from your mouth or the actual trays, visit the dentist or re-assess your care routine.
Will Invisalign affect the way I speak?
During your first few days, you could notice a slight change in the way you speak. That’s because your tongue must adjust to this new device in your mouth. Many patients experience a slight lisp during the early stages. But as you become more comfortable wearing Invisalign, any speech impediments will go away.
Can I still kiss?
Yes, clear aligners are very smooth and fit close to the teeth. That’s why you’ll have no problems kissing. In fact, kissing with traditional braces is much harder since the metal brackets tend to stick out. Invisalign will not dislodge while kissing.
Although you may be tempted to take your aligners out, try to keep them in for as many hours as possible. Invisalign should stay in your mouth for 20 to 22 hours a day for best results.
Will I be able to play an instrument?
If you play a brass or woodwind instrument, you’ll find it’s easier to remove your aligners when playing. Just remember to put them back in your mouth immediately after, so you can maximize Invisalign’s benefits.
Can Invisalign double as a sports guard?
No, these clear aligners have no protective qualities. If you play a contact sport, you must wear a separate sports guard. Remove your Invisalign trays and put in your sports guard before getting out on the field. This will also keep your aligners safe from damage. Simply pop them back in once you’re finished playing.
How long will it take to straighten my teeth?
A course of Invisalign treatment for a typical adult will take about 12 months. Although actual time will vary from person to person, many people start to see noticeable results in as little as two to three months. If you have severe issues like overcrowding or a misaligned bite, you may have to stick with Invisalign for longer than 12 months.
Results also depend on how regularly you wear your custom aligners. Someone who is constantly removing them will see slower results than the person who only takes them out for eating or special occasions.
How will I know if I’m right for Invisalign?
The only way to know for sure if you’re a good candidate is to see your dentist. But if you suffer from any of the following, Invisalign may be right for you:
As you can see, living with Invisalign is much more convenient than you may have thought. Unlike traditional braces, these discreet aligners are completely removable and easier to clean.
If you’re interested in learning more about Invisalign, visit our friendly team of dentists at Pickfair Dental. We’re passionate about helping you feel confident in your smile, so allow us to determine if Invisalign is right for you!
For more information about Invisalign, call Pickfair Family Dental at 905-831-7555 or contact us here.